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Frequeny Asked Questions

Updated *23 Feb 2014



Do you do international Delivery ?


We are able to process international orders now, thru Singpost. However, some countries might be able to get their source from a local dealer. (Partners of Zindustries). For International Orders, we only accept Paypal. Sorry :(...



Would you do a customised job ? Say SCAR for 17/32 barrel or can you print my .STL file?


Here at Area503, we strive to provide products that are original. If you would like us to print sth from thingverse, you could send us the .stl files. We will contact you shortly on the rates.

For modifications to our design, just drop a e-mail and let us know ;).




Is Nerf the only Hobby?


No! AREA503 aims to serve the needs of up to 503 distinct hobbies and we are slowly expanding our list! We are going to add water rocketry to our list. Stay tune!



Do you do modding contracts?


Hi, While my LS is 100% sealed, my modding ability pales in comparision to other more skillful contract modders in the market. At the moment, Singapore Nerfers can approach Emo Ben and Spyke for their installation services (at additional cost) for the Universal Breech!


Emo Ben





Must I used 9/16 Brass tube as my barrel?


In all regards, the Universal Breech is designed to around the barrel. However, we have reports from modders whom used other barrel materials with the UB with the same results. Also, For the Americans, we understand that 17/32 is the norm for you.. And yes, you can see it coming Very SOON!!!



Why is it there is no Online Store where I can order and made payment?


Hi, We are a small business operating for the local community (Singapore) to provide a cheap modding kit for them. However, we recognised the potiential of our two primary design.

Well, that and words about a local company interested in copying was another additional motivation for us to start selling them publicly..


Additionally, due to the limitations of the consumer grade 3D printer technology, it is not advisable to have paid orders waiting when the printer is down. Thus the decision is to get payment upon exchanging of goods (However, postal is another story).

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