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Universal Breech - $10 SGD

For a while, the nerf after parts market has been swarmed with multiple modification kits that are costly and are blaster specific..


The hobby suffers from a problem. Is there an easy modification kit (compared to BBLS) that can be easily applied across a huge selection of blasters?


Our solution is the Universal Breech. A simple kit that allows you to transform all nerf clip blasters (non flywheel) to accept standard aftermarket/modded stefan clips. (Pak-D & Xplorer)


Tested Blasters: Longshot, Retaliators, EAT and Stampede!!


Brass tubes sold separately. Ask us for our rates!!

* NOT streamline compatible..



Introduction to the Universal Breech



8Kg spring

Tiong Kit (without spring)

Universal Breech


Range test

Longshot range test (koosh & silitip stefans)


18kg spring

Longshot Tiong Kit


Universal Breech




Remember to subscribe his channel!!


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